site.btaPatent Office President: Robotics, AI Are Among Fastest Developing Industries
The number of applications shows that robotics and artificial intelligence are among the fastest developing industries, said Patent Office President Vladya Borissova at a conference on intellectual property in robotics and artificial intelligence on Tuesday.
The forum is organized by the Patent Office in partnership with the Institute of Robotics with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Professional Association of Robotics and Automation. The conference is held on the Intellectual Property Open Doors Day on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day, organized by the Bulgarian Patent Office.
According to Borissova, the aim of Tuesday's meeting is the establishment of a joint platform between the science and the business through the intellectual property.
Petko Petkov, a member of the Managing Board of the Professional Association of Robotics and Automation said that patents, designs and useful models are at the basis of all processes related to the creation and protection of intellectual property, adding that efforts must be made to improve intellectual property culture.
The companies which are members of the Association are developing products and solutions which are critical, said Petkov. He added that the organization makes efforts to foster the next generation of technological entrepreneurs, such as children and students who make up an incubator with ten teams who are mentored how to protect their inventions. "The creation of end products is the big goal which we would like to achieve and for that to happen it takes four components, which have to work together: the state, NGOs, the industry and education, said Petkov.