site.btaRegional Development 2022 Budget Record-high at Close to Lv 2.6 Bln
The Regional Development and Public Works Ministry said here Saturday that this year's budget for investments in regional development is record-high at close to 2.6 billion leva. The sum was conclusively approved on second reading by the National Assembly with the adoption of the 2022 State Budget Act.
The sum for this year is close to three times higher than the 911 million leva allocated in 2021. This means that for the first time, the Ministry will have a real plan on spending, while the practice of allocating significant sums through decrees by the Council of Ministers throughout the year will be terminated.
Close to 2.5 billion leva are set aside for the Road Infrastructure Agency. This compares to the 804 million leva approved for the Agency last year. The additional 1.6 billion leva will be invested in major repairs and construction of the national road network this year.