site.btaBulgarian Branch Chamber Roads Takes Indefinite Strike Action from July 27
The Bulgarian Branch Chamber Roads is taking indefinite strike action across the country from July 27. The strike will continue until "government officials start to do what is necessary to bring the sector back to normal".
The organization will give a news conference at the BTA Press Club on Tuesday. The participants will identify the culprits for the current state of construction over the years and will tell the public what their actions and inactions will cause. The road construction organization is seeking support from the Bulgarian Construction Chamber and the trade unions in construction.
The organization said on Monday that "this is a fight for the survival of an entire industry and of its hundreds of thousands employees". After a number of compromises, the road construction sector has not seen real steps towards price indexing or paying companies for lawful repair works.
Ongoing problems in road construction and road maintenance and repair, including long overdue payments for already completed works, have caused an exchange of recriminations between government authorities and road construction companies for more than a year now.