site.btaCourt Leaves Bookmakers Eurofootball, National Lottery Unlicensed
The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has decisively rejected the appeals of private bookmakers “Eurofootball” and “National Lottery” against the decisions of the State Commission on Gambling (SCG) to apply a compulsory administrative measure - permanent revocation of the licenses held, the court said on Friday. The decisions of three panels of the SAC on the cases are final.
According to the court, within the time limits set by the SCG, the two companies have not taken action to repay or secure the overdue public claims established by the NRA - over BGN 328 million for Eurofootball and close to BGN 19 million in the case of National Lottery.
From the evidence in the cases it has been established that the SCG has applied compulsory administrative measures - temporary revocation of the license for a period of three months, with an order to take action within the same period to stop the violations, i.e. to repay or secure the overdue public debts to the SCG. However, this was not done within the statutory period, the SAC said, adding that failure to repay or secure the dues is also grounds for suspension of the companies' licenses.