site.btaDemand for Large Quantities of Wheat Still High on Sofia Commodity Exchange
On the Sofia Commodity Exchange (SCE), demand remains high for large quantities of bread wheat under the Public Procurement Act in the price range of BGN 580-637 per tonne. Sellers, however, are asking BGN 750 per tonne, SCE weekly data shows.
Demand for feed wheat in large quantities remains at 615 BGN/tonne. Buying offers for barley are between BGN 620 and 650 per tonne but sellers are asking BGN 660. Maize is in demand for BGN 550 but no one is selling. There are offers for hulled sunflower at prices ranging from BGN 3,031 to 3,128 and unhulled sunflower at BGN 1,200 BGN/tonne.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
After the long-awaited unblocking of Ukrainian grain exports a week ago, the war in Ukraine no longer causes panic on the grain markets and wheat prices started to fall, SSB experts say.