site.btaElectricity Production Up by 13.05% in Jan 1- Sept 25 Y/Y
Between January 1 and September 25, electricity production in Bulgaria increased by 13.05% compared with a year earlier, according to the latest data by the Electricity System Operator published on Tuesday. From the beginning of the year until September 25 2022, electricity production was reported to the amount of 38,054,410 megawatt hours (MWh), compared with 33.661,25 MWh during the like period of 2021.
Electricity consumption in the country decreased by 0.24% for the period in question. From the beginning of the year until September 25, a total of 27,989,300 MWh of electricity were consumed, while for the same period in 2021, consumption stood at 28,056,244 MWh.
Between January 1 and September 25 year-on-year the export-import balance increased by 79.56% and this indicator is declining. BTA recalls that in January 1-23 balance increased by 349.62% compared with a year earlier.
The participation of base plants in the energy mix in this country increased by 18.38% for the period January 1, 2022 - September 25, 2022 compared to the like period last year. A total of 32,078,274 MWh of electricity were produced from base stations, while a year earlier the electricity from them was 27,096,985 MWh.
Power generated from RES increased in the transmission grid by 25.77% year-on-year and in the distribution grid by 14.93%.
Power generated from hydro facilities declined by 25.65% during the said period from a year earlier.