site.btaEC Adopts Administrative Capacity Programme for Bulgaria Worth EUR 100 Mln
The European Commission (EC) has launched the "Frontloading administrative capacity building to prepare for the 2021-2027 programming period" in Bulgaria, the EC Representation in Sofia reported on Thursday. The programme is worth more than EUR 100 million in investments contributing to the effective and coordinated implementation of cohesion policy in Bulgaria, as well as strengthening the administrative capacity of national authorities.
The programme focuses on a stronger partnership between stakeholders as a key principle for increasing the effectiveness of the absorption of EU funds in Bulgaria.
The European Funding Academy, which is supported under the programme, will enable national authorities staff to increase their knowledge in inter-sectoral areas through training, networking, and sharing of good practices. Municipalities will have the opportunity to strengthen their capacities in strategic planning, urban development, public procurement, receive expert support for project preparation, and boost their involvement in EU initiatives such as Horizon Europe - New European Bauhaus.
As an essential element of good governance and transparency, measures to further develop the Information System for Management and Monitoring of EU Funds in Bulgaria will be supported as a tool for collecting, aggregating and analyzing data, including on climate aspects.
The transparency of the EU-funded activities will be ensured through targeted measures and the direct involvement of 27 regional information centres.