site.btaQ3 Net Monthly Living Income Is BGN 1320, at Least BGN 1,701 Required - Trade Union
The net monthly living income in September 2022 was BGN 1,320 for a working person living alone and BGN 2,376 for a family of three. The year-on-year increase is close to 20%, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) President Plamen Dimitrov said during a press conference of the Confederation and the Institute of Social and Trade Union Research (ISTUR) with the CITUB.
"This is the net income that a household needs in order to live normally by Bulgarian standards," Dimitrov stated.
When forming the required income of a three-person household, the gross salary of the two working members must be at least BGN 1,530 each. Each single person's gross salary must be at least BGN 1,701.
Compared to last year in gross terms, this year a household of three needs about BGN 504 more, while a working person living alone needs BGN 280 more. In August, 1,800,000 Bulgarians on a work contract earned less than the required income for a single worker. Last August, this share was 1,700,000.
ISTUR Deputy Director Violeta Ivanova said that the main reason for the rise in the cost of living is primarily the increase in fuel prices. She pointed out that the natural gas prices in the past quarter had quintupled compared to the same period last year. The cost of electricity for businesses remained high in the third quarter. The increase was about four times compared to the same period in 2021.
This led to industrial prices, but in some cases the commercial markup was not justified. Household consumers pay higher prices due to the 40% spike in the price of water on July 1.
Foods and non-food products got more expensive - by 2.8 % and 5% respectively. The income needed to feed a working person is BGN 497. Accelerated increase of 11% was observed in the prices of dairy products for the quarter and of 38.4% year-on-year. Sugar and sugar confectionery saw an increase of 4.5% for the quarter and 24.5% year-on-year. Dry sausage prices increased by 2.5% for the quarter and by 27% year-on-year. Bakery products prices increased by 20%, while bread prices were flat.
According to ISTUR, some 76% of Bulgarians are worried about paying their household bills in the upcoming winter season, and 46% see price shock, high prices and inflation as the biggest problem.