site.btaNational Statistical Institute Publishes Data on Tourist Trips and Tourism-Related Expenditure in Q3
In the third quarter of 2022, 1,748.8 thousand Bulgarian residents made tourist trips. The majority of them (78.5%) travelled only in the country, (16.3%) travelled only abroad and (5.2%) travelled both in the country and abroad, shows National Statistical institute preliminary data on tourist trips and tousism-related expenditure of the population in the third quarter of 2022.
Compared to the same quarter of 2021, the total number persons who travelled aged 15 and over increased by 31.7%, the data showed.
In the third quarter of 2022, most Bulgarian citizens who travelled were aged 25 - 44 years (747.0 thousand, or 42.7% of all travellers). The share of trips in the country dominated in all age groups (80.9% among persons aged 65 and over and 80.8% for persons aged 45 – 64). The share of residents aged 25 – 44 who travelled abroad was 17.5% of the total travellers in this group and the highest compared to the other age groups.
The majority of tourist trips of persons aged 15 and over in the country (69.5%) and abroad (81.4%) were for ‘holiday and recreation’ purposes.
The representative survey in question was conducted among Bulgarians 15 years of age and older via interview.
The survey was representative and was conducted on the basis of a households’ sample in the country via an interview. Tourist trips were defined as every private or professional trip taken by people outside of the place where they live for a period no longer than one year, with a main purpose different from any activity for payment. The tourist trips can be as follows: Private - holidays, cultural visits and sport events, medical treatment, education, religious activities, visits of relatives and friends, and others. Professional - business trips and deals, participation in conferences, congresses and seminars, and others.