site.bta EU Commissioner Gabriel: Regions Have Huge Role to Play in Fostering Innovation
Addressing the kick-off conference for a EC-backed BTA project titled "EU in BG: Cohesion Future", EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel spoke about the European Innovation Agenda and innovation cohesion. She said that regions have a huge role to play in fostering innovation and that innovation happens locally.
According to the Commissioner, local authorities are the ones that can support the development of innovation ecosystems. Involving all actors in this project is also the aim of the new European Innovation Agenda, she noted. Its strategies prioritise investments based on local assets, promote the transition to a circular economy and strengthen cooperation between all stakeholders in regional and investment ecosystems, she said.
Creating local regional investment projects is of key importance, she said. There will be EUR 170 million available at European level through centralized calls for proposals to support cross-regional innovation projects. To make sure that all EU funds contribute to innovation in the regions, it is crucial that the Horizon Europe programme and the Cohesion Fund are used together, she stressed.
Gabriel thanked the BTA for taking the initiative to inform Bulgarian people about cohesion policies.