site.btaQ3 GDP per Hour Worked at BGN 30.9
GDP per person employed increased in real terms by 1.7% in the third quarter of 2022 compared to the third quarter of 2021, according to the preliminary data, the National Statistical Institute said on Wednesday.
The number of persons employed in the economy is 3,699,700 and the total number of hours worked is 1,457.4 million. Compared with the third quarter of 2021 the structure of employment by economic sector in the third quarter of 2022 shows an increase in the relative share of the service sector and a decrease in the agriculture and industrial sectors.
GDP per person employed is BGN 12,152.0 and GDP per hour worked is BGN 30.9.
Gross value added per person employed increased in real terms by 2.1% in the third quarter of 2022
compared to the third quarter of 2021. GVA per hour worked rose in real terms by 3.3%.
In the third quarter of 2020, GVA per person employed in the industrial sector is BGN 12,222.5 and GVA per hour worked is BGN 29.8. In the service sector, an average of BGN 10,437.8 Gross value added is produced by a person employed or an average of BGN 26.7 GVA per hour worked. The lowest labour productivity is in the agricultural sector - BGN 5, 904.8 GVA per person employed and BGN 15.5 per hour worked.