site.btaLabour Ministry: Social Benefits for 670,000 Disabled People Increase by 22% from 2023
Monthly financial support for 670,000 people with permanent disabilities will increase by 22% from January 1, 2023. The increase is a result of the poverty line rising from BGN 413 to BGN 504 from the same date. Under the Disability Act, the specific amount of the benefit is a proportion of the value of the poverty line and is determined according to the degree of disability.
People with more than 90% disability who need constant external care with certain assistance and receive a social pension for disability will get BGN 287.28 per month from next year - BGN 52 more than up until now. For people with more than 90% disability with constant external care who receive a disability pension due to general illness or due to an occupational accident or occupational disease, the monthly financial support will increase by nearly BGN 30 and will reach BGN 151.20. People with more than 90% disability will receive 126 BGN. People with 71 to 90% disability will receive BGN 75.60 per month, and those with between 50 and 70.99% disability - BGN 35.28.
Monthly financial support is paid by the Social Assistance Agency under the Persons with Disabilities Act. The new higher benefit amount for January 2023 will be paid in February. In January, people will receive monthly financial support for December 2022, which will be at its current rate.